Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away, exposing more of the tooth or its root. This condition can lead to various dental problems if not managed properly. The primary causes of gum recession include:

  1. Periodontal Disease: Also known as gum disease, this infection of the gum tissue destroys the supporting structures of the teeth, including the bone, leading to gum recession.

  2. Aggressive Brushing: Brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down the gum tissue and enamel, contributing to recession.

  3. Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing can lead to plaque buildup, which can cause gum disease and recession.

  4. Genetics: Some individuals may be more predisposed to gum recession due to their genetic makeup, even if they maintain good oral hygiene.

  5. Tobacco Use: Smoking or using other tobacco products can contribute to gum disease and recession.

  6. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those occurring during pregnancy, puberty, or menopause, can affect gum health and contribute to recession.

  7. Misaligned Teeth or Bite Issues: Teeth that are misaligned or a bite that places undue pressure on certain areas of the gums can lead to recession.

  8. Bruxism: Chronic teeth grinding or jaw clenching can put excessive pressure on the gums and lead to recession.

  9. Thin Gum Tissue: Individuals with naturally thin gum tissue may be more susceptible to recession.

  10. Inadequate Dental Restorations: Poorly placed dental restorations or fillings can affect the gum tissue and contribute to recession.

  11. Dental Trauma: Injury to the gums or teeth, such as from an accident or certain dental procedures, can also cause recession.

  12. Piercings: Oral piercings, especially those on the lips or tongue, can cause irritation and gum recession over time.

Addressing these factors through proper oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and lifestyle changes can help prevent and manage gum recession. If recession is already present, a dentist or periodontist can recommend treatments to address the issue and restore gum health. Here are some great electric toothbrushes specific to this issue: 

Visit our office, Abrams Family Dentistry located in Budd Lake, NJ for your dental needs. We serve Mount Olive and surrounding townships. Please contact us at 973-691-8200 to make your appointment! 

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