While store-bought nightguards are a popular and cost-effective option for individuals experiencing bruxism (teeth grinding) or clenching, they come with several risks and potential downsides compared to custom-fitted nightguards. At our General Dentist Office located in Mount Olive, NJ we can fit you for a custom made appliance using our digital scanner. Some dental insurance plans will cover a nightguard at a percentage-call today for your cost estimate. 

Risks of a store-bought Nightguard:

  • Poor Fit and Comfort
    • One of the primary drawbacks of store-bought nightguards is their fit: -Store-bought nightguards are one-size-fits-all models, which may not conform perfectly to the unique contours of your teeth and gums. An ill-fitting nightguard can be uncomfortable to wear, causing irritation to the gums, cheeks, and tongue. This discomfort can make it difficult to wear consistently, reducing its effectiveness. 
  • Limited Protection
    • A nightguard that doesn’t fit well can fail to provide adequate protection. Store-bought nightguards may not cover all the necessary areas, leaving some teeth unprotected. An improper fit can result in uneven pressure distribution across the teeth and jaw, potentially exacerbating bruxism-related issues rather than alleviating them. 
  • Increased Risk of Dental Issues
    • Using a poorly fitting nightguard can lead to new dental problems. Continuous use of an ill-fitting nightguard can cause teeth to shift, leading to alignment issues and bite problems. An incorrect fit can strain the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), resulting in jaw pain, TMJ disorders, and associated symptoms like headaches and earaches. 
  • Gum Irritation
    • A nightguard that rubs against the gums can cause irritation, inflammation, and even sores. 
  •  Durability and Material Quality
    • Store-bought nightguards are often made from less durable materials. They tend to wear out more quickly than custom-fitted nightguards, requiring more frequent replacements. The materials used in store-bought nightguards may be less resilient and not as effective in absorbing the forces of grinding and clenching.
  • Lack of Customization
    • Store-bought nightguards lack the personalized adjustments that custom nightguards offer. A custom nightguard can be adjusted by your dentist for optimal fit and comfort, ensuring it works effectively to prevent tooth damage and jaw strain. Using a store-bought nightguard means missing out on the professional guidance and monitoring that comes with a dentist-prescribed nightguard. This oversight can result in ineffective treatment or overlooked dental issues. 
  • Potential for Allergic Reactions
    • Some store-bought nightguards may contain materials that can cause allergic reactions. Certain plastics and chemicals used in the manufacturing of store-bought nightguards can cause allergic reactions or sensitivities in some individuals, leading to discomfort and irritation. 
In conclusion, while store-bought nightguards may seem like a convenient and affordable solution for bruxism, they come with significant risks, including poor fit, discomfort, limited protection, potential dental issues, inferior durability, lack of customization, and possible allergic reactions. For optimal protection and comfort, it is advisable to consult with General Dentists Dr. Steven Abrams and Dr. Elyse Abrams and invest in a custom-fitted nightguard. This ensures that the nightguard is tailored to your specific dental anatomy, providing effective protection against the harmful effects of teeth grinding and clenching. Contact our Budd Lake office (Morris County) today at 973-691-8200. 

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